Station 15

Monte e Lagoa de Louro SAC

The Monte e Lagoa de Louro Natura Network 2000 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) stretches along the southern coast of Carnota, from the beach of Lariño to Portocubelo. Along the way we will find different coastal formations, mainly rocky, such as small cliffs or large pebble beaches. Between them, there are also small sandy beaches and dune areas.

On the coastline it is easy to find "crebas", debris washed ashore by the sea. Different types of seaweed are also abundant. The most common is the laminaria (Laminaria ochroleuca), with its characteristic brownish or yellowish broad blades. Inland, the vegetation is scrubland, with thickets in which we find heather and, in some streams, small riverside woods.

We can see a kite (Buteo buteo) flying, perhaps hunting one of the reptiles frequent in the area. There is a great variety of them, especially near freshwater streams, such as the "píntega" or common salamander (Salamandra salamadra), the long-tailed salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica) or the black-green lizard (Lacerta schreiberi), with its green body and bluish head.

Nearby, on high ground, you can see the remains of a circular building; it is what is left of a communal windmill in Lariño, built in 1914.

To the north of Punta Insua, where the lighthouse is, Lariño Beach, which is another large sandy area of Carnota and shared with Muros, stretches.


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