Station 08

The octopus

The “polbo”, or octopus, inhabits shallow coastal areas. Here it can be found right from the coastline, also taking advantage of the numerous shallows. It is generally a solitary and territorial animal, with each individual having its own burrow. As a carnivore, it feeds on fish, crustaceans and molluscs; it can even eat other octopuses. It approaches its prey slowly, changing colour, and then pounces on it using its propulsion system to immobilise it.

Its behaviour is surprising and, for many scientists, intelligent. It has a complex nervous system that covers its entire body, so that, between its head and tentacles, it has nine "brains" that act with relative autonomy.

The capture

Octopus fishing is carried out using pots held together by ropes. The gear is thrown into the sea from boats, to be retrieved the following day. Sometimes the first set is a short one, lasting about four hours, after which the catch is collected and the pots are put back into the sea. This is how it reaches the fish market and the fishmongers, to become the king of Galician gastronomy.


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